Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I would rather look better NAKED...

Thank you *Bitch Cakes*... your post got me thinking today. Every time before I take that excess bite I'm going to ask my self, is this helping me look better naked? That is the real question... Ok Im commiting to one hour of cardio after lunch 5 days a week.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Back On The Pony

I guess I just needed to get sick and tired of being sick and tired again. Today I woke up to late to have breakfast so I had 2 cups of black coffee then for lunch nothing looked that great so I made a soft taco with a ton of lettuce in it. Hope dinner is a little more fantastic then lunch but if not I'm still not going to eat after 6 tonight! Even if that means I go to bed extra early again. Here I am back on the pony and determined to stay on.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Where in the hell is my crystal ball...

Shouldn't this be easy? Girl wakes up, girl wants to be thinner, girl stops eating extra crap, girl gets thinner. I thought that was the way this was suppose to work? As all can tell this has not been the easiest past few days. I really think when I don't get the proper amount of sleep my food choices get a little crazy. I will start getting 9 hours of sleep a night again... starting tonight!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Far Far away

I was looking at the dates on my posts and I know I have wrote each day but because of the time change it looks like I have missed a day here and there. Today I had a see's sucker and it was like heavan. Do any of you gals know about see's candies? Im not sure if it is just a West Coast thing or not. Im going on vacation in July and have been thinking about Savannah Georgia, somewhere close to the beach. If any of you have ideas for vacation spots please let me know. Good luck on the up comming weekend because I know I need it!

Friday, January 11, 2008


I gave up having a TV in my room because watching TV=Eating. So last night I decide to watch Pirates Of The Caribbean on my lap top in my BED. Why I thought watching a movie on my lap top would be safe... lord only knows. It started with a bag of kettle corn, then a few M&M's, next thing I know I have a few cashews in my hand and then to end the night I have some green gob stoppers. By now I should know late night snacking never ends with the Kettle Corn. Oh well today was a new day and all the kettle corn I own is in the bathroom trash as of this morning...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

First WEIGH IN...

As you all can see my starting weight does not have a date but I do know I was in the 180's prior to coming here to Afghanistan. It feels great to be down 8 pounds from that though and to know how close I am to the 160's. Has anyone read the scale wrong before ( the ones like at the doctors office)? Well I did today and I felt real special... not in a good way. Kilos vs Pounds... I wont make that disappointing mistake while reading the scale again. Thank you all for the support during my first 10 days in the blog world, I love it I plan on sticking around.

Troops bound to get FAT...

I swear all anyone thinks we need out here in Afghanistan is FOOD. We get care packages every single day with nothing but JUNK food in them. Thank goodness today is the day prior to my first weigh in. A package came in the mail today for our shop and guess what was in the box? Home made Red Velvet Cake made with butter milk. I'm pretty sure if today was not the day prior to my first weigh in I would have taken a piece and called it dinner.